Gulf Ave Elementary School Home
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Celebrating 100 Years of Eagle Pride!

Thank you teachers and staff for all your work to help make our students the best they can be!
Important Messages
What's Happening
Our Mission
News & Announcements

Cell Phone Policy
Upon return from winter break, students will be required to follow this policy and store their turned off cell phones during the school day. As a reminder, the purpose of this will be to increase student focus in instruction and engagement with one another as the excessive use of cell phones can impact students' mental health and academic performance. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 310-835-3157.

School Safety is Our Top Priority!
Click the link for more information about LAUSD school safety policies.
Fire Drill
Time: 2:05 PM – 2:20 PM
Earthquake Drill
Time: 2:05 PM – 2:20 PM
Saturday Intervention, 8:00am – 12:20pm
Time: 8 AM – 12:20 PM
Media Gallery

Thank you teachers and staff for everything you do for our students!
Join us in thanking our teachers and staff for their tireless efforts in helping our students be the best they can be!
At A Glance
661 Total Students
26% SBA Met or Exceeded in ELA
28% SBA Met or Exceeded in Math
26% Reclassification Rate
99% Parent Portal Participation
100% More than a Meal Registrations